


發(fā)布日期:2017-06-22 來(lái)源: 點(diǎn)擊:

    我想每個(gè)想做一部三維動(dòng)畫(huà)的企業(yè)或者個(gè)人最想了解的肯定是三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作價(jià)格,恰巧三維動(dòng)畫(huà)這個(gè)行業(yè)的價(jià)格不向其它行業(yè)的價(jià)格一樣“不透明”,客戶(hù)也不是傻子,去尋找大量的三維動(dòng)畫(huà)公司尋取報價(jià),可能是客戶(hù)對三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作報價(jià)方式不明白,從每家公司獲取的三維動(dòng)畫(huà)價(jià)格都有很大的出入,而三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作公司也覺(jué)得你是單純的來(lái)尋價(jià)的往往會(huì )隨便報一個(gè)價(jià)格,尋的多了也會(huì )產(chǎn)生困擾。
我們星辰華創(chuàng )三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作團隊,從事三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作已經(jīng)有5多年,對三維動(dòng)畫(huà)行業(yè)也算比較有一個(gè)資深的認識,希望從三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作報價(jià)算法能解決每一個(gè)三維動(dòng)畫(huà)客戶(hù)一些疑惑。
2. 動(dòng)畫(huà)分辨率,三維動(dòng)畫(huà)一般可分為標清、高清、超清、超高清、雙通道和五通道動(dòng)畫(huà)甚至更高的分辨率,也就是說(shuō)檔次越高越貴。
3. 片長(cháng),三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作價(jià)格的最重要一點(diǎn)也就是三維動(dòng)畫(huà)的片長(cháng)了,15秒、30秒、45秒、1分鐘到5分鐘,時(shí)間越短越貴,因為星辰華創(chuàng )動(dòng)畫(huà)制作公司的成本是差不多的。做的時(shí)間越久相對單價(jià)越便宜。
4. 特效,裸眼3D,立體效果等,一般普通的三維動(dòng)畫(huà)是不含特效的,一部片子如果要加入特效的話(huà),總體價(jià)格約在原有價(jià)格上加上20%-30%的價(jià)格。
5. 配音,配音價(jià)格算是三維動(dòng)畫(huà)中最便宜的,往往一般三維動(dòng)畫(huà)公司都是免費贈送的,一般配音價(jià)格都是論分鐘收取的,一分鐘100-500之間不等,具體就看客戶(hù)對配音老師檔次的需求。6.地區,說(shuō)對地區也是影響三維動(dòng)畫(huà)價(jià)格的一點(diǎn),因為每個(gè)城市都有它的消費水平,動(dòng)畫(huà)制作水平及價(jià)格也是不一樣的,不過(guò)想要做質(zhì)量上乘的片子,還是介意找一些專(zhuān)做三維動(dòng)畫(huà)的公司,比如說(shuō)石家莊市場(chǎng),很多做視頻拍攝的公司,他們也接一些石家莊3D的項目,大部分采用外包,關(guān)鍵是做出來(lái)的動(dòng)畫(huà)質(zhì)量是不敢保證的。每個(gè)公司所熟悉的領(lǐng)域不同,所以做三維動(dòng)畫(huà)還是要找專(zhuān)業(yè)的動(dòng)畫(huà)制作公司。
About 3D animation production quotation detailed introduction
I want to be sure that I want to do a 3D animation of the enterprises or individuals most want to know is the price of 3D animation, 3D animation to this industry to other industries the price is not the same price "opaque", the customer is not a fool, to find a large number of 3D animation companies seek to offer customers may be D animation quotations do not understand, obtained from each company's 3D animation prices are very different, and the 3D animation company also feel that you are simply seeking to price tend to quote a price, more will cause trouble homing.
Our Firebird 3D animation studio in 3D animation production has more than 5 years, the animation industry is also a veteran of the understanding, hope from the 3D animation quotation algorithm can solve every 3D animation customer confusion.
Concrete algorithm of 3D animation production quotation:
1. animation types, we all know that there are many types of 3D animation, and the price of three-dimensional animation is closely related to the type of animation,
Reason: animation types can tell the ease of 3D animation. The simpler the relative price is, the more expensive the relative price is, such as animation, such as animation.
2. animation resolution, three-dimensional animation can generally be divided into standard Qing, HD, ultra clear, ultra high definition, double channel and five channel animation, or even higher resolution, that is, the higher the grade, the more expensive.
3. long, three-dimensional animation price is the most important point is the 3D animation film, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minutes to 5 minutes, the shorter time more expensive, because the cost of animation production company is similar. The longer you do, the cheaper you will be at the relative unit price.
4. special effects, naked eyes, 3D, three-dimensional effects, such as general three-dimensional animation is without special effects, a film if you want to add special effects, the overall price of about the original price, plus the price of 20%-30%.
5. voice dubbing, prices are the cheapest in 3D animation, often 3D animation companies are free of charge, the general price is charged on voice minutes, one minute 100-500 ranged between, depending on customer demand for voice grade teacher. 6. area, said the area is a little affected the price of 3D animation, because each city has its consumption level, the level of animation production and the price is not the same, but want to do high quality film, or do you mind looking for some specializing in 3D animation companies, such as the Shenzhen market, do a lot of video shot the company, they also pick up some 3D, to take over the project, most of the use of outsourcing, the key is to do the animation quality is not guaranteed. Each company is familiar with different fields, so do 3D animation or professional animation company.

相關(guān)標簽: 關(guān)于三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作報價(jià)詳細介紹 石家莊三維動(dòng)畫(huà)報價(jià) 我想每個(gè)想做一部三維動(dòng)畫(huà)的企業(yè)或者個(gè)人最想了解的肯定是三維動(dòng)畫(huà)制作價(jià)格,恰巧三維動(dòng)畫(huà)這個(gè)行業(yè)的價(jià)格不向其它行業(yè)的價(jià)



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